Is Your Diet Nothing is Working!

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older couple eating healthy

Are you having trouble getting in shape or feeling better?

Ladies… do you feel like no matter what you do, nothing is working?  Are you trying to get in shape or increase your energy levels? Are you restricting calories and not seeing results or unable to stick to a plan for more than a few days?  Maybe you’ve decided to work out and still…nothing.  Then starts the cycle of shame and blame.  You feel like a failure and start to question if just being woman is holding you back.  Maybe it’s your age, your metabolism has slowed down, or maybe you’re just too busy to focus on your goals.  You start to wonder if change is possible.

The right plan and some small changes could be all you need

I would like to erase that doubt and help show you how to use nutrition and exercise in the right way to see the results you want to see.  You are correct in thinking that what you eat matters, and that exercise will support your health goals.  But too often, women are challenging their bodies with diet and exercise in ways that actually promote inflammation and prevent weight loss.

One example that I see regularly is severe calorie restriction.  Of all the fad diets that come and go, the idea of restricting calories has persisted as the go-to for weight loss.  I frequently hear 1200 calories as the standard weight loss goal.   For most women, this is not even enough calories to support basic life functions, hundreds of processes that occur internally, like blood pressure regulation, cellular repair, and hormone production.  Calories are our bodies form of energy and you put your body under significant stress when you simply don’t eat enough.  You cause your body to pick and choose where to spend its limited energy and you program your body to hold on to as much energy as possible (think fat storage).  The result?  If you’re exercising on top of restricting calories, you are further stressing and depriving your body.  You’re running on empty and this is not the key weight loss or general well-being.  Calories do matter but not enough is just as problematic as too much.

Other things to look for in your diet

Another problem with the calorie-restriction sham is the lack of focus on nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and many other compounds that our bodies require to function optimally.  When you’re not eating enough calories, there is no way you’re getting enough nutrients.  This further stresses your body, diminishing the ability to produce energy and again, encouraging inflammation and preventing weight loss.

We all know that calories matter and I believe that assessing and managing calorie intake can be a useful tool for individuals focused on weight management.  But you cannot leave your body deprived using an arbitrary number and expect to see good results.

Get some help and back on track

You don’t have to struggle by yourself.   There are resources and support available.   If you would like support and individual counseling, I would really enjoy talking with you.     Contact me to set up a time to talk about how we can get your to your goals.