Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Grass-Fed Beef

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chemical structure of omega-3 fatty acid

Red meat from animals offered a grass diet increases plasma and platelet n-3 PUFA in healthy consumers

Grass fed meat contains LESS total fat and MORE omega 3 fatty acids than meat from factory farmed animals.
This study shows that the benefit is transferred to consumers of grass fed meat, raising their plasma levels of omega 3s after 4 weeks of consumption.

A barrier to incorporating grass fed meat in to the diet can be the increased cost compared to its factory farmed counterpart. Yet omega 3 supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry. Keep in mind that all nutrients, including omega 3 fatty acids, are better absorbed and utilized by the body when delivered from whole food sources. When possible, choose grass fed meat to help increase your levels of this mental health boosting nutrient. Look for wholesale bulk options to save money, or better yet, contact a local farmer.